Cache Quest or Cash Quest?

Is this a good thing?

Found this site: CacheQuest

Apparently if you join for $19.95 a month, you can hunt down caches that have vouchers in them. The vouchers are worth $100.

What do you think about this? Would you pay $19.95 month? What if the cash-cache (hey now there's a new genre!) was over 200 or 2000 miles away, would you be the First To Find? (If you got a speeding ticket trying to get to a cache would that be considered a "First to be Fined"?) What would happen if two rival caching teams arrived at the cache at nearly the same time, would they flip a coin or "rock-paper-scissors" to decide who won?

Here's an article about this.

What do you think about caching for cash?

0 Responses to Cache Quest or Cash Quest?

  1. kd7mxi December 1, 2005 at 8:10 pm #

    i think folks need to stop focusing so much on getting big money swag and start focusing on more family focused swag

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