10 Years of PodCacher

Wow. Has it really been 10 years?!? When we started PodCacher way back in July 2005, we had no idea we'd still be podcasting 10 years later. I'm not sure we thought we'd make it past the first year. Lots of people started podcasts back then. Had fun for a few months. Then faded off into the sunset. But we were having a blast! Talking about a subject we loved. Starting to build a small listener community. Getting feedback that people liked our shows.

2007 Studio 11-12-06Before we knew it, several years had gone by and we were steadily growing. We were hearing from listeners in new countries. When we needed funds to improve our equipment, our community came through to help us out. We improved our sound, our confidence, our style. We attended more events and actually met some of our listeners. It was amazing!

We've said it before and we'll probably keep on saying it. The PEOPLE we have met through doing this podcast - both in person and on-line, those who are part of the PodCacher community, those who have written to share their stories with us, those who have supported and encouraged us - YOU are the reason we have kept going for 10 years and are still going strong!

In 2006 we headed off on a trip to France and Spain and we recorded a bunch of audio as we traveled and geocached. It was like a "sound-seeing" tour that gave you the chance to come with us and experience what we were seeing and doing. Thus was born the TravelCaching series which continued with episodes in Costa Rica, the Caribbean, Norway and many mega events across the United States.

2008 IMG_9622 6-28-08Sean joined Team PodCacher in May of 2008 and he was welcomed with open arms and hearts by our community. He has been showered with love and gifts from his geo-aunts and geo-uncles around the world, and the "Sean Update" at the end of the show has quickly become a favorite part for many of you.

Today PodCacher is still going strong. We have a free PodCacher app for easy listening of our weekly podcast. We continue to organize and manage the world-wide phenomenon known as the WWFM (world-wide flash mob) with over 80 different countries participating through the years and up to 27,000 geocachers flashing at one time.

We have added Premium membership to our offering, for those who want extra shows and other special perks. Recently, we have begun creating special media bundles and offering them for sale. These bundles are primarily video, but also include audio, photo-albums and special extras. Our intent is to give you the experience of coming along with us on a fun traveling / geocaching adventure. We pack it full of tips, interviews, great geocaches, humor and fun. The Geowoodstock XIII Experience Bundle was a big hit (and included geocaching in Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and Pennsylvania). For pre-sale now, is the Great Northwest Adventure Media Bundle which will take you along with us to Spokane, Seattle and other places in the Pacific Northwest including the Final Block Party at Geocaching HQ.

Thank you for allowing us to take a few moments to reminisce. One last thing. We're working hard behind the scenes on something really cool. We'll have some exciting news to announce in the very near future. If you want to be among the first to know, become a PodCacher Insider and join our mailing list today.

We'd love to hear from you - how long have you been listening to PodCacher and what is one of your favorite memories from the past 10 years? Leave us a comment below.

Keep on Cachin'!
Sonny, Sandy and Sean

3 Responses to 10 Years of PodCacher

  1. Twentse Mug July 19, 2015 at 12:45 pm #

    Hi Sean, Sandy, Sean. I wish all of you a very happy Podcacher birthday. I thank you very much for all the fun and inspiration that you give me in my life. It is sincerely very much appreciated. I started listening 6 years ago almost immediately when I started geocaching. I have caught up and listened back all the previous episodes so more or less I have heard all of them.

    I have heard so many inspirational stories throughout the years that I find it difficult to choose something from it. Maybe one thing. The first time I heard the interview with Dave Ulmer made me very emotional. To hear the gentleman who developed my favourite hobby and hearing that he was in some difficult times then made me emotional. I remember that Sonny had good questions in that interview like Sonny always has. Maybe one more. The first time “now it’s time for a quick Sean update” was something new and I have enjoyed it ever since.

    Once again, happy celebrations and keep up the good work!

    • PodCacher July 19, 2015 at 7:56 pm #

      Thank you for those great memories!

  2. BlacknWhite August 2, 2015 at 5:32 am #

    G’day from Australia Sonny, Sandy & Sean,
    Fantastic effort guys, where did those ten years go.
    Thanks for the WWFMs, Podcasts, photos and the enthusiasm you have shared.

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