Awkward Geocaching Photos

Have you ever thought about what geocachers look like to muggles? A lot of the time, we can geocache right under their noses without them realizing what we’re doing.

Speaking of noses...

If you thought noses was bad, how about the other end?!?

But some muggles are more observant than others and have probably seen a geocacher doing some strange things.

Peeking under benches or newspaper dispensers. Sticking their heads where they don't belong.

Reaching up into a tree or bush for no apparent reason. Crawling under a pathway, also for no apparent reason.

Pulling loose rocks or bricks out of a wall and then putting them back. What is it with geocachers and rocks?

Geocachers love to climb, it seems.

And sometimes they need help from their friends.

Geocachers will put themselves in all sorts of awkward positions... all for the love of the cache.

Hopefully, after a brief moment of confusion, the muggles will turn back to whatever they were doing and shrug their shoulders. Leaving the geocachers to find their treasure in peace.

All the photos can be seen in our Flicker Photo Set.

Do YOU have an awkward geocaching photo to share? We'd love to see it!

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