Rehiding Geocaches

On Saturday we did cache maintenance on several of our caches. We found both stages of a multicache missing and another hidden about 100 feet from the original area. On Sunday we went geocaching. We found two geocaches out in the open. This seems to be a common occurance these days. There are three possiblities. One is of course, muggles. Another is an animal or some other fluke in nature moving the caches. The third answer is a disturbing possibility. Geocachers. We are not accusing anyone, and hopefully we are wrong, but we suspect that some geocachers seem to think that geocaching is a race for smiley faces and do not rehide the caches properly. Although geocaches are officially owned by the hider, we as a community should have some pride in ownership of each geocache we find. When finding and rehiding geocaches we should use some logic and consideration to protect the caches for future finders.

1. Please rehide caches so that they will not be seen by muggles.

2. When hunting for a cache beware of muggles and wait until they are out of sight.

3. If you are hunting caches as a group the person that extracts the cache should rehide it as they are the only person that really knows how it was originally hidden.

A little extra care by all of us will make for fewer missing and archived geocaches making it more fun for all of us.

posted by JestJuggle

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