Therapeutic Benefits of Geocaching

We LOVE to hear and to share inspirational stories of how GEOCACHING has made a positive impact in people's lives!

This story came to us from Mandy Robinson (Mum from caching team Bristol Family Robinson):

"I'd like to share with you a lovely geocaching story from here in Bristol in the UK.

I work as a nurse with teenagers with severe and complex mental health problems.

Today I took a group of 8 clients from our unit on a geocaching trip. We did 7 caches on a circular walk. When I planned it, it was simply as an activity which we could do as a bit of fun - but it turned out to be beyond all my expectations in terms of the enjoyment and therapy that the young people gained!

The highlights of the afternoon included

  • A young man with OCD (who has contamination fears around dirt) scrabbling around in tree roots declaring "I can't believe I'm doing this - I'm filthy but I'm really happy!"
  • Another young woman who has a personality disorder and struggles with interpersonal relationships was amazing at encouraging and helping her fellow clients to clamber down a steep muddy slope when we took a wrong path.
  • A client with severe anxiety and social phobia looking relaxed at being outside and racing ahead of his peers to find the cache first.
  • And as a whole group of troubled adolescents they worked together to decrypt the additional hints, took it in turns to hold the GPS and "lead" the find and returned to the unit bursting with enthusiasm and saying that it was the best thing they'd ever done!!!

It was wonderful to see these kids let go of their problems for a bit and get completely engrossed in the task of finding the cache container.

They have asked if we can do it again next week!

I love my job anyway - but today to see the kids I care for benefit from an activity I feel passionate about was just amazing.

We'll certainly Keep on Caching!!!!"

Don't Go Yet! Do YOU have an inspirational geocaching story? Has geocaching impacted your life in a meaningful way? We'd love to hear about it!

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